Featured Instruments

Agilent 8890, 5977B GC-MS with 7693 Autosampler, Tested, Working #3

Agilent 6890N, 5975C GC-MS with 7683 Autosampler, Tested, Working

Agilent 6890N, 5973N GC-MS with 7683 Autosampler, Tested, Working

Agilent 7890B, 7000C GC-MS-MS with 7693 Autosampler, Tested, Working

Agilent 8890 GC with (1) FID and (1) S/SL, 7693 Autosampler, Tested, Working

Agilent 7890B GC with (2) FID and (2) S/SL, 7693 Autosampler, Tested, Working

Agilent 7890B GC with (1) FID and (1) S/SL, 7693 Autosampler, Tested, Working

Agilent 7890A GC with (1) FID and (1) S/SL, 7683 Autosampler, Tested, Working

Agilent HP 6890 with (1) FID and (1) S/SL, G1888 Headspace, Tested, Working

Perkin Elmer Nexion 350X ICP-MS with Elemental Scientific Autosampler, Tested, Working

Thermo Scientific iCAP 6500 Duo ICP-AES Spectrometer, Power Tested!

Agilent 1290 Infinity II with 6460C LC-MS/MS, Tuned and Tested

Agilent 1260 Series System, G4225, G1312, G1329, G1316, G1315D, Tested, Working

Agilent 1260 Series System, G1311, G1329, G1316, G4212B, Tested, Working

Agilent 1260 Series System: G1310, G1379, G1329, G1316, G1362, Tested, Working

Agilent 1120 Compact LC with Binary Pump, Autosampler, VWD, Tested, Working

Agilent 1260 Series G4218 ELSD Detector, Tested, Working

Agilent 1260 Infinity II G7162A RID, Refractive Index Detector, Tested, Working

Metrohm 855 Titrosampler, 772 Pump, Dosino with 20 mL Burette, Tested, Working

Metrohm NIRS XDS Rapid Content Analyzer, Tested, Working

Bruker MPA FT-NIR Analyzer

Labconco XPert Weigh Box 5220300

Thermo Fisher Multifuge X1 Pro-MD Centrifuge

Agilent 6890N GC with (2) S/SL, (2) FID, 7683 Autosampler, Tested, Working

Sciex 5500 System with LC, Nitrogen Generator, UPS, Refurbished

Agilent 6495BR Triple Quad with 1260 Infinity II LC, Nitrogen Generator, UPS, Refurbished